Welcome to Unless the Lord, where we see the need for Christ as the Foundation for All Things.

Psalm 127:1 tells us that without the Lord all attempts at building a house are in vain. Why? Because every other foundation besides Christ is shifting sand. He alone is the solid rock upon which we are to build.

That means that unless Christ and His truth serves as the Foundation then our families will fall apart, our churches will crumble, our stories will be hollow, and our politics will tend towards either loveless tyranny or justice-less anarchy. However, having Christ as our bedrock is much easier said than done. Establishing Christ as our foundation guarantees that some of our biases and desires will be challenged. In other words, there’s no fitting God in a box.

Fortunately, throughout history there have been, and continue to be, plenty of examples of people getting this right.

Unfortunately, there have also been, and continue to be, plenty of examples of people getting this horribly wrong.  

Hopefully, this newsletter serves as a fun, honest, and edifying way to explore all of this. If you take a particular liking to anything that is published here, please subscribe and then share this with anyone else who you think will be interested.

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Seeing the Need for Christ as the Foundation for All Things


Husband, Nurse, Half-hearted Creature, and Wannabe Culture-Seller